
Thursday, December 15, 2011

data, facts, charts, graphs, information, knowledge, statistics, visualizations sites, formats, conversion

circos & hive plots - challenging visualization paradigms in genomics and network analysis

data versus narrative

DNA Sequencing Caught in Deluge of Data, NYTimes Science, Dec 1, 2011

Following Digital Breadcrumbs To 'Big Data' Gold, by YUKI NOGUCHI, Nov 29, 2011

The Amazing Fact Generator

Road Fatalities 2001-2009

USA Right Now

The Data Journalism Handbook

Worldometers: real time world statistics

The Guardian Datablog

Many Eyes: Create Data Visualizations

Graph Design for the Eye and Mind by Stephen M Kosslyn

Perceptual Edge: Visual Business Intelligence; for enlightening analysis and communication

dataists - Fresher than seeing your model doesn't have heteroscedastic errors

Data scientist: The hot new gig in tech; By Michal Lev-Ram, writer September 6, 2011

Google Public Data Explorer

FileFormat.Info: The Digital Rosetta Stone - data formats, conversions, etc

How to make searchable, Web-based Google charts

OECD - Statistics from A to Z - Beta version

The Information Sage Meet Edward Tufte, the graphics guru to the power elite who is revolutionizing how we see data. By Joshua Yaffa, May/June 2011

The Complete Joy of Stats video

Revolution Analytics

Infochimps: find the world's data

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view.

Data Mining Blog


My thoughts on data mining, machine learning, programming languages, open-source software and general nerdery.

dataists: Fresher than seeing your model doesn't have heteroscedastic errors

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

Flowing Data

Looking At Data

Ben Fry: Visualizing Data

Information is Beautiful

Where do search rankings come from?

The Joy of Stats: world history in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers – in just four minutes. Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Hans shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.

red state blue state

Red State, Blue State, Rich State, Poor State: Why Americans Vote the Way They Do

Data Visualization vs. Statistical Graphics

Very Small Array: data graphed in an imaginative way

Dataspora Blog: Big Data, open source analytics, and data visualization

FiveThirtyEight: Nate Silver's Political Calculus (on the New York Times site)

Peter Skomoroch's dataset Bookmarks

Where to Find Open Data on the Web

See, understand & share numbers

OkTrends (OkCupid Data blog)
Tim O'Reilly
SNA Projects Blog (LinkedIn)
Measuring Measures (Bradford Cross)
Info Vegan (Clay Johnson)
Hilary Mason (
Inductio Ex Machina (Mark Reid)
Chris Riccomini (LinkedIn)
Dumbotics (Last.FM)
Geeking With Greg
Juice Analytics
Infochimps Blog
Cloudera Blog
Pete Warden
Cerebral Mastication (J.D. Long)
Dolores Labs Blog
Brendan O'Connor's Blog
Kiwitobes (Toby Segaran)
Information Arbitrage
IA Ventures

Freebase: An entity graph of people, places and things, built by a community that loves open data.

thinking, rationality/irrationality, skepticism, illusion, delusion, debate, logic, imagination

How to Dispel Your Illusions, by Freeman Dyson, Dec 22, 2011 Daniel Kaheneman, "Apgar score", prediction, "clinical prediction", "statistical prediction"

Is Free Will an Illusion? Don't trust your instincts about free will or consciousness, experimental philosophers say

The King of Human Error, Daniel KahnemanBilly Beane’s sports-management revolution, chronicled by the author in Moneyball, was made possible by Israeli psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. At 77, with his own new book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, the Nobel Prize-winning Kahneman reveals the built-in kinks in human reasoning—and he’s Exhibit A.

60-Second adventures in Thought, Oct 03, 2011

The King of Human Error, Vanity Fair, by Michael Lewis, Dec 2011

The Quiz Daniel Kahneman Wants You to Fail, as per the above article in Vanity Fair

A Big List of Behavioral Biases

The Science Of Irrationality, Oct 18, 2011, by Jonah Lehrer

How David Beats Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell, May 11, 2009

Less Wrong: a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality

Rod Serling Moorpark College Speech, December 3, 1968

Thinking Thoughts No One Has Thunk, Robert Krulwich, July 6, 2011